Dear PCC Members

It is that time of the year again, a few national and international competitions that we as PCC can partake in and showcase our work to the world. First on the agenda is the Three Nations Competition (Formerly SELSDON). For this competition we will continue with last years selection process whereby each member sends me their favourite/best image of 2020/2021. To make things easier I will attach a pdf file that contains all the entries from January 2020 till April 2021. I removed the entries that were used in last years competition so you will not be able to see them in the sheet supplied. Please select the image from the list of your entries only that you wish to enter and send me the title of your image.  (Select one image from your previously entered images as listed)

Once I have all the images, I will send out the complete list and images and you as member select your top 15 images that you want to see entered into the competition. The top 15 images from the feedback will be used as PPC entries in the Three nations competition 2021.

As we are pressed for time on this, I would like to ask that you send me your personal image selection before Friday 16/4/2021. I will send out the selection forms asap after the 16th and then require your feedback on your top 15 by 28/4/2021 as the closing date is 1/5/2021.

Use the following email for your entries: 

Our second competition is the Australia Cup. As club we did good last year and will enter again this year. Images for the Australia Cup will be decided on by the Selection Committee in the next few weeks.

