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21 February 2021 @ 9:00 am Australia/Brisbane Timezone
Roma St Parklands
1 Parkland Blvd
Brisbane City QLD 4000
Jeanette Robertson
An official outing has been arranged for Sunday 21st February, at the Roma Street Parklands. There we may be able to increase our knowledge of Macro photography, plus photography in general. I have asked Peter O’Brien to be on hand to help anyone.
Meet at the little cafe (where they sell the coffee)  between  9 and 9.30 am.
I am catching the 7.45 train from Kippa-Ring, and I will be in the last carriage. If anyone wishes to catch the train with me you are more than welcome.
Equipment to bring –     Hat, sunscreen, a bottle of water. Camera, macro lens (if you have one), any other lens you wish to use, batteries, memory cards, camera manual if you are still learning your camera, flashes and tripod.
Hope to see you all there,
Jeanette Robertson

PDF is attached below ~ (thanks Melisa)